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Re: Charter Going In-House

That is what kills me I worked in house for a couple of different companies and that pay is about where I was at.  I made the switch over to contract work because at the end of the day I was still doing the same work but making more money.  I just don't understand why they cannot or should I say will not pay their employees what they are worth.  I get that they are trying to make money but why would you screw the guy that is the face of your company.  I'm sorry but the installers and service techs are the people who make or break the deal with the customers.  Everyone knows the call center people suck (yes I have been there too so I know what I am talking about) and everyone knows the sales people don't tell the whole truth when you get your service connected.  The tech that goes out there rain sleet hail or snow and makes everything work is the guy who gets the least praise but does the most.  At the end of the day all they look at for the in house guys are what other paper work can we give them to fill out to make their day longer.  Thanks for nothing Charter, Time Warner, Comcast and all the other cable companies out there.

Ok I will get off my soap box now thank you for listening.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Charter Going In-House by KrellcomComm
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Re: Charter Going In-House 1FARMER 11/13/2012 11:37:50 AM