Your right! Obama is doing a stellar job! So far he has
Put 44.7 million Americans on food stamps
Put 6.4 million Americans under the poverty level
He has reduced household incomes by over $4000 a year
He has 22.6% of the work force unemployed or under employed
He has doubled gas prices
He has raised food prices by over 22%
He has inceased our debt to over $16 trillion
He has increased healthcare insurance cost
He has had the U.S. credit rateing downgraded twice
And he has done this all in 4 years by printing a historical amount of money and giving it to his buddies.
Your right. Why not give him 4 more years. He's doing a great job! Because that's just the begining of what this great man can do. Oh yea I almost forgot. He's about to downgrade our military while he kiss's our enemies ass. And who doesn't love that?