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Re: CATV is losing talent

I know eactly what you are talking about.  I currently work as a sub for a large cable company (not to name names) but they are not only paying us crap wages but they are looking for any way to do a charge back.  We had a tech who did an entire weeks worth of work and come payday his check was just under $50 becuase of the charge backs they filed on him.  Needless to say that was his last day.  The charge backs are for stupid stuff like forgetting to pick up a piece of trash at the customers home, something small like a cut off end of a zip tie.  How can you justify charging back someone for their hard work over something that a QC guy could have picked up and not made a big deal out of.  I hope they all get what they deserve and lose all of their help, I can always find another job!!!
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Posted in reply to: CATV is losing talent by ingression
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Re: CATV is losing talent GoEasy 8/24/2012 7:00:17 AM