Cablemn86 is correct, this is one of the only industries, that the longer you work, the lower the pay goes. When I started i worked for a DNSC RSP in South Carolina, was only making 40/20, but had full company vehicle/gas card/ all materials supplied. Now, almost 15 years later, contractors are making ( around here ) 55/15, but have to supply fuel, vehicle, materials. so a 4 box 15 years ago with no out of pocket, $100, today, 4 box install, you provide all materials..still pays $100.. go figure. But I still enjoy the work and the freedom of being a sub vs in house.
I say the main issue is all the middle men, DTV pays well for an install, but after everyone gets thier cut ( Main HSP, Contractor, then the Sub Contractor, then the actual tech) there isnt much money left, and the fact that alot of the contract companies are offering to do the work at lower and lower cost just to get the contract doesnt help either.
Re: And They Continue
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