I would swore there was a convo about the percentage the main contractor is taking for adminstration costs in the post....but my comment ond others appear to be missing....so let me repost what i wrote....the contractor that you sub from is keeping about 60 percent of the money they get from the mso for the work that you do......and that 60 percent is what pays those managers salaries and the more they dick you out of the more they pay themselves......it means on a job that pays them 100 bucks you get 40 of that for actually doing the job....isnt that nice of them to pay you that much....it isnt the mso's dicking us its the contractor we sub from....if you go work for a place that has five techs and 2 bosses and a secretary that means five people have to suppport 3 in the office
and if you want to delete this post go ahead and do it
Re: $61.50/$14.00????
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