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illeagel Aliens

Have a question. Why is it I always hear talk about them and how they are screwing up this country,and yet every maid in most of your 5 star hotels across the country are with out papers. These are just some, Winston Sharaton,
 Marriot Corp and all the little ones they own,La Quinta,  Then you have all other trades like Gardners,Maids,
Why if so many people don't like them and they are a Security risk don't the Gov go after the companies that hire them.
It's easy to fix and stop if like anything else they really wanted to. Why not fine a company 1 miilon dollars per each person with out papers.
then lets see who would hire them.
Now I don't have a problem with them I say let them all in. I just would like to know what some of you people who always complain think why the Gov do this.
This is posting #343258. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: illegal Aliens uknowme2 5/7/2012 6:57:38 PM
Re: illeagel Aliens Lightmaster 5/6/2012 7:20:28 PM
Re: illeagel Aliens goodsky 5/6/2012 1:25:50 PM
Re: illeagel Aliens Paul the sat man 5/6/2012 3:59:51 AM