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Re: wulzcat fiber(I helped you out with the search

Does anyone know Stacey Woolsey?  He has a cable company call Wulzcat Cable fiber and cable incorporated. I want to know if he does pay?
Posted: Friday, March 09, 2012 5:38:18 PM
Beware fellow Linemen/Splicers that Job posting for Construction Linemen/Splicers in Central Florida is with Stacey Woolsey of Wulzcat FiberHe is a Snake in the Grass Bottom Feeder and the MSO, Prime or Sub that gave him a contract deserves the Fucking they are going to get from that Shitbag.
Posted: Thursday, September 01, 2011 11:29:56 PM
Oh Duck it took me a moment.. Sta... HaHa, you can say his name here Stacey Woolsey the Snake in the GrassThe Mods kinda leaves us alone here, unless we talk to much about our commander in something, still not quite sure what he is commanding, but you get the jestWe are kinda given a little bit more of our 1st Admendment rights here in Subscribed, but they do still come here and clean house if things start to get out of hand.of course Us Dawgs never let things get out of hand, Now do we guys !!
Posted: Monday, July 25, 2011 2:18:01 PM
July 05, 2011Thomasville, Ga. — Kristen Nicole Kimmons Woolsey, 33, Thomasville, Ga., died Sunday morning as the result of a traffic crash in Grady County, Ga.She was born Feb. 26, 1978, in Rome, Ga., the daughter of Ellen Chastain Haslam Van Alstine, who survives, and the late Jerry Kimmons. She was married to Carmi native Stacey Woolsey, who survives.She was a member of First Baptist Church in Thomasville, Ga., and worked for Savannah Moon.Other survivors include: her brothers, David Kimmons and Joey Van Alstine, both of Thomasville, Ga.; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Kenny and Janet Woolsey, of Carmi; sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Angie and Jeff French of Carmi; aunt, Susan Haslam Brown, of Thomasville, Ga.; uncle, Jim Haslam, of Canton, Ga.; cousins, C. B. (Scooter) and Kim Grubbs, of Thomasville, Ga., Taelor Leigh Edmiston and Pryce Means of El Paso, Texas, and numerous other cousins.She was preceded in death by her grandmother, Duchess Donovan.Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 6, 2011, at First Baptist Church in Thomasville, Ga. The Rev. Dan Spencer and the Rev. Dr. Milton C. Gardner will officiate with internment to follow in Laurel Hill Cemetery.To Stacey, my sincerest condolences on your loss.
Posted: Monday, April 04, 2011 1:23:38 AM
Stacey Woolsey is in Cardington Ohio. He rents a house there with his crew. It is not a big town so if your looking I am sure you can find him.Here is a story that may interest some of you! I check the bar one day and find there is a job posting for lineman, paying 50 per hour in Ohio. So I call. I am introduced to Stacey Woolsey. I was a little surprised that he said he was from Ft Myers Fl. Having lived there and knowing most of the lineman and companies in the area.A friend who also lives in the area also called,I let him do most of the usual questions since I live in Texas, and had a coupla other things flowing at the time.I talked with Stacey , who tried to get me to come to Cincinati,but after talking with him I realized hehad nothing and did not know anything, at which time I made the usual calls to friendsto find out more.It was all bad. I relayed this info to my friend who was chomping at the bit for a job change.He reminded me that it was an inhouse position with CCI. So I sent my application in to CCI, and not to Stacey.I called CCI to check on it after my urinalysis, the gentleman that i talked with (Jim Carl) told me I was good to go and the project manager(Dave Bergfeld) should be calling me to let me know when to report for work. I expressed my concern to him that i did not have a good feeling about the way we  were hired,meaning going through a third party for an inhouse position, He told me"we are all still scratching our heads on that one" . Well the call never came so I had to call stacey, at which point he told me that he had put the job off a coupla days so he could get a handle on his other project, but it was supposed to start on wed of the next week. So my friend and i decided to go there and make sure that the powers to be knew and understood that we were not associated with Stacey and the only reason we were there was because we  worked directly for CCI. Now, I have worked for CCI as a sub and there is one thing to be said about them, their pay is always on time and you never had to call about your retainage because it was there on time.        Well the project started a week later, due to no fault of CCI. Stacey was payed as a lineman but never worked a bucket or climbed a pole. But the big kicker came on the first day of work when we found out my friend and I were the only ones who hold CDL licenses, as a matter of fact out of the four guys stacey brought only 1 had a regular  license, which stacey tried to pawn offas a cheuffers license even though florida has no such thing.OH excuse me but stacey holds TWO licenses 1 from florida and 1 from ILL. He claims he is going to get his CDL, IT is my personal opinion that he can not get one if he is legally blind in one eye(just my opinion) The crew trucks consist of 1 T-40 and a 1- ton flatbed which pulls a DOT trailer so two cdls are required per crew.         The next big thing was a fight on the jobsite, between Stacey and Adam, a passerby even stopped and called the sherriff. By the time he got there it was over and we were back to work when Adam was questioned by the deputy, he chalked it up to horse playbetween constructionhands. the cop understood and left. You got to know this we were working for a Consolidated electric Co-op, power companies do not take to kindly to fights or horseplay on the job.I bru=ought all of this info to the PM (Dave Bergfeld) and all he did was call a meeting. Now my 2o years of leading men in combat and in our industry doesn't quite stack up to his 28 years,but i get rid of problems, who did, or may give my job performance a black eye.              I was fired from the job because the cut fiber that happened last week, made it on to the cable bar. I told a freind about it.Stacey owes her  husband a few thousand from a job a coupla years ago. And She posted it here. I DO NOT REMEMBER SIGNING A CONFIDETIALITY CLAUSE OR SOME TOP SECRET GOVERNMENT CLEARANCE, SO I  GUESS OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH HAS BEEN VIOLATED BY CCI.I could tell ya couple more little incidents about Stacey's integrity but most of you know about that already.HEY DAVE CAN YOU TELL WHO WROTE THIS ONE! OH YEAH I WAS LOOKING BACK AT MY APPLICATION  YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOURSELF ON WHAT THAT SAYS,   ESOP
Posted: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:01:52 PM
 I have never worked with this Stacey Woolsey, but I have had several linemen and splicers that have worked for him in the past. And the horrid stories they have told me about this guy, I am very surprised that he can still walk, let alone still get people to work for him or primes to give him work.One lineman was from North Carolina that had a crew working for him in Western N.C. on one of Stacey’s trucks and they cashed their checks at a local grocery store, well the place that cashed the checks would only cash checks that were machine printed, not hand written, so Stacey sends one of the lineman’s crew to the motel office to borrow a typewriter and he gives the crew their last checks, they cash them at the store and head out  back to their home states,well the Guy that borrowed the typewriter lived in Texas and went back there.Well Stacey called his bank and put a stop payment order on the checks and reported them as stolen, the store that cashed them perused felony criminal charges against the 3 guys for grand theft and the guy that borrowed the typewriter was charged with Forgery & grand theft and sat in a Texas jail for several months awaiting for the investigation to be completed, and the DA dropped all charges after the signature results on the checks confirmed that Stacey in fact wrote the checks.Then there is this person that all the old school dawgs know, Big Duck, he would de-limb Woolsey if he got his hands on him, along with about 40 others in the trade.Then there was a person that was a so called partner of Stacey that worked as a splicing and construction supervisor, He was exceptional at what he did,(I worked with him in Louisiana after Katrina and SE Florida after Wilma and this is where we teamed up) he had  respect  with his guys and the primes,(here’s his story of Stacey). He bought a truck from an auction at CCG and Stacey convinced him that if he would put him on the title as a co-owner that he would pay the insurance on the truck, well that person said that the title came back as the owner as Stacey Woolsey and the co-owner was my friend, my friend bitched about it and Stacey said that the DMV screwed up, and that he will take care of it, It never happened, a few months later my friend left working for this and went elsewhere to work on his own, well while driving down I-95 he was pulled over by FHP and charged with Possession of a Stolen Vehicle and sat in jail until the charges were dismissed , but he lost his truck, tools because the towing company sold it at auction after 30 days, So I am pretty sure He would love to take a Ball Bat to Stacey Woolsey.   Then there is this Georgia thing where a Lineman took a Baseball Bat to Stacey over nonpayment and Stacey and his wife had to hide inside a truck, calling the cops, the sad part is the wrong person (lineman wanting his money) went to jail.
Posted: Friday, February 18, 2011 3:37:57 PM
His Name is Stacey Woolsey and it is Wulzcat Fiber & Cable, and this is going to be a good thread. It should be some very interesting reading.there is an old saying "Don't always believe what you hear is true!" In this case Believe it.
Posted: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:40:50 AM
Stacey Woolsey is a guy, not a girl...I went to school with him up in southern Illinois, know him well....
Posted: Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:26:37 PM
Stacey Woolsey is a DUDE...Read the report before you start flappin yer yap kid. And next time you reply, make sure you are replying to the right post since my bud speed said nothing about bailing anyone out.
Posted: Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:18:15 PM
The piece of shit beat up a lady. Read the report. You want to post bail? I don't care who ripped who off, ain't right to put hands on a women."Victim name; Woolsey, Stacey"
Posted: Thursday, February 01, 2007 12:55:00 PM
I have not been paid ( 60 days past due ) from Wulzcat Stacey Woolsey ... work passed QC by the cable co. and Wulzcat was paid, now he acts like he don't know me appx. $3000.00 this is the kind of company that gives contractors a bad name Matthew Harris (-REDACTED-)
Posted: Saturday, January 13, 2007 1:31:00 PM
All Beware of Stacey Woolsey ( Wulzcat Fiber & Cable ) Won"t Pay ... he owes me appx. $3000.00 this is going on 60 days past due the work passed the cable co. qc and he was paid, he won't pay, return my calls or reply to my e-mails ... inquiring about my pay, he is currently working in Southern Ill. for Cable South on a New Wave project, he recently posted a add ( 650 miles in southern ill ) he is seeking help, I just want all to know what kind of person he is and what kind of company he runs. he is the kind of person who gives contractors a bad name ... Alan Harris (-REDACTED-)
Posted: Saturday, December 23, 2006 3:22:00 AM
What were you doing there?? I'll check it out right down to the qc of your invoices if you make that claim . Don't sound right to me. I hope you didn't do any dirty work because . if you did being as you made that claim you know the Duck . Please print the pertinate info and I'll get back to you . "WHITFIELD"
Posted: Saturday, December 23, 2006 1:54:00 AM
Hey Allen. He paid me every dime he owed in Tazwell. I hate he didnt pay you, He did say he and you were haveing a difference with the pay there. Call me you have my #
Posted: Friday, December 22, 2006 8:29:00 AM
ABSS still owes me a bunch of money from New Orleans!!!!!
Posted: Friday, December 22, 2006 8:14:00 AM
Wow, I actually went to school with this guy. I thought he was in Florida. Sorry to hear that guys. Harris pm me.
Posted: Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:29:00 PM
Sorry Mike I mispelled the second posting of your name , I guess it has to do with underlying thoughts that office people are always on break , as I produce the manual labor end . Due to the micro aspects of the business I realise my judgement has been wrong , You are the one with the headaches , 90 volts might bite me every now and then but it don't micro talk back. "WHITFIELD"
Posted: Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:19:00 PM
Damminit Man, you should of come to the bar and asked about him , I've heard this before , maybe we need to start a court verifyed black ball list to rid our industry of scum , thats what I like about Mike Brakefield , if you did your work correctly he pays you , wether of not the mother company has paid him or not , but under the same token if you ever get caught subbmitting dirty work then you must expect your money to be held up until final qc and documantation has been confirmed . Breakfield has been in this industry a long time and I very much respect and value his opinions . Bottom line , do your work correctly with no clean up GET PAID You can Take that to the Bank!! "WHITFIELD"
Posted: Thursday, December 21, 2006 12:50:00 PM
All Beware of Stacey Woolsey he owes me appx. $3000.00 and will not pay, will not return my calls or e-mail's ... he has acknowledged that he has recieved the checks ... now he act's like he don't know me , I know that he is working for Cable South for New Wave Henderson Ky, and Southern Ill. anybody seeking work BEWARE !!!!!!!! I am about to retain a atty. attach a lein against Communicom in Claiborne Co. Tn. Wulzcat is the kind of company that gives contractors a bad name !!!!!!!!!!! Alan Harris (-REDACTED-)
Posted: Saturday, March 02, 2002 2:21:00 AM
I am wanting to buy a used large copier that will make copies up to 11x17 prints. Please call Stacey Woolsey at 618-599-7205 or email (-REDACTED-)
Posted: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 6:49:00 PM
We have trucks finishing a job in n.c. ready to go to work splicing for a good company.We can also handle your construction needs (-REDACTED-) or call Stacey Woolsey at 618 599 7205
Posted: Thursday, November 29, 2001 11:44:00 PM
I live in eastern North caorlina.......actually in what is becoming known as hurricane alley in these parts..Where in N.C. is the work.......E-mail address " (-REDACTED-) " >Splicers needed for at least a two month upgrade job. 500,625,750, 875 coring tools needed. Bring your meters and hand tools. I'll supply the truck, gas, and insurance. Work is 90-95% bucketable. Call or email Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205 or (-REDACTED-) >
Posted: Sunday, November 25, 2001 3:42:00 PM
>Splicers needed Monday morning ready for work. At least a two month upgrade job. 500,625,750, 875 coring tools needed. Bring your meters and hand tools. I'll supply the truck, gas, and insurance. Work is 90-95% bucketable. Pay every week with a one week hold. Call or email Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205 or (-REDACTED-) > > Splicer seeking work in North Carolina \ you may contact me @ (-REDACTED-) . Please Respond ASAP.
Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 7:03:00 PM
I have 20+ yrs exp in catv, and 5 yrs. exp. telephone. I am located in Carolina Bch. N.C. Would like a location and price-list please. My wife dose most of the on line work, cause I am computer stupid. Her e-mail is (-REDACTED-) . I have what it takes to get the job done. And can start tomorrow. And have very-good refs. thanks Wenches Linedogg >Almost all bucket work, overlaswh fiber and coax. Have a good two months of work in North Carolina. Splicing to start soon. Pay is average but the running and production is awesome. Pay is two weeks out. Email or call Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205. (-REDACTED-) >
Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 6:52:00 PM
I am interested inthe work in NC. If you could send me the details and a price sheet i would appreciate it.Email me at (-REDACTED-) . Thank you Steve >Splicers needed Monday for an upgrade job. 500,625,750, 875 coring tools needed. Bring your meters and hand tools and truck, and insurance. Work is 90-95% bucketable. Long spans with about 20-25 pieces per mile. Can't miss great money oppurtunity. Pay every week with a one week hold. Call or email Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205 or (-REDACTED-) > >
Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 12:42:00 PM
Splicers needed Monday for an upgrade job. 500,625,750, 875 coring tools needed. Bring your meters and hand tools and truck, and insurance. Work is 90-95% bucketable. Long spans with about 20-25 pieces per mile. Can't miss great money oppurtunity. Pay every week with a one week hold. Call or email Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205 or (-REDACTED-)
Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 12:32:00 PM
Splicers needed Monday morning ready for work. At least a two month upgrade job. 500,625,750, 875 coring tools needed. Bring your meters and hand tools. I'll supply the truck, gas, and insurance. Work is 90-95% bucketable. Pay every week with a one week hold. Call or email Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205 or (-REDACTED-)
Posted: Saturday, November 17, 2001 1:42:00 PM
Work is in northwest NC. Construction is paying .14 for in house fiber that is almost all bucket work. I will supply trucks, tools, gas, and insurance. Splicing is paying .13/ft for subs and .08 for in-house employees. I will take care of all bonding so all you have to worry about is replacing equipment. 2-3 months of upgrade work. Wulzcat Fiber & Cable, Inc. Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205
Posted: Saturday, November 17, 2001 10:14:00 AM
Splicers needed for at least a two month upgrade job. 500,625,750, 875 coring tools needed. Bring your meters and hand tools. I'll supply the truck, gas, and insurance. Work is 90-95% bucketable. Call or email Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205 or (-REDACTED-)
Posted: Saturday, November 17, 2001 10:04:00 AM
Almost all bucket work, overlash fiber and coax. Have a good two months of work in North Carolina. Splicing to start soon. Pay is average but the running and production is awesome. Pay is two weeks out. Email or call Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205. (-REDACTED-)
Posted: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 10:14:00 AM
>Need construction lineman for job in Ky and Va. Pay weekly with great prices. Call Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205 > stacey,i called you this morning but we couldn't talk at that time due to prior engagements with the project manager.if you can please contact me at 281-399-5447(home)or you can fax me a copy of your price list at 281-227-2791. you may also leave a message for me at my contact phone at 281-449-6778.i anticipate your response.
Posted: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 4:10:00 PM
Need construction lineman for job in Ky and Va. Pay weekly with great prices. Call Stacey Woolsey 618-599-7205
This is posting #341988. Tiny Link:
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