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Re: The Lineman away from home

It was great when it was just my wife and me 35 years ago,traveling all over the country. But then the kids came, and when your making that kind of money back then its hard to go backwards so what do ya do??? You sacrifice your life so your family can have a good one. You settle the family down and you hit the road. I can remember getting to my motel room and opening my suitcase and finding little souvenirs from my kids hidding there, army men, baseball cards, drawings , things that meant alot to them, and then I'd sit down and bawl like a little girl. I remember my wife said I had more quality time with my kids then she did, because when I came home for 4 or 5 days I would spend all my time with them, no matter what i was doing i would drop it and go play ball, or go swimming, or shoot hoops. I missed so much of their life growing up, I lucked out a few years getting work at home , times when I could manage my sons and daughter Little League team, and football and basketball. My daughter played to and them being a year apart was great. I was able to be home there last years in High School also to see all there sports. Above all this I probably have the best wife of all you guys, she has been to the valley and to the mountain top with me and has supported me in everything, she supported me when i was struggling with PTSD from Nam , and never doubted me. The kids are grown now both College Grads with great jobs,they never gave me any grief. Trying to make a few more years close to home , I've lucked out the last couple years with work at home, that job ended , another one that was suppose to happen fell thru, so I just want to make it a couple years and I'm done.And thats all I have to say about that
“The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.Thomas Jefferson
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Posted in reply to: Re: The Lineman away from home by johnmc3
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: The Lineman away from home GoEasy 2/24/2012 7:31:57 AM
Re: The Lineman away from home MicroMan 2/23/2012 2:14:29 PM
Re: The Lineman away from home linemansgurl2 2/22/2012 2:32:58 PM