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Re: Contractor or Employee by add?

I would think they could just simply stipulate in the contract for you to have a white truck. I havent come across any adds that really dont stipulate you should have a late model vehile preferrably white. And I would like to know what cable contractor you are working for,  Fantasy Communications? Or Lets make a deal cable solutions. Or We Do What we Want When we Want Communications. I dont want to work by the hour, its my choice to make is wether I want to work for a company that wont pay shlt for doing the job. I do know enough about the cable business not satellite to ask the company for a payout sheet and requirements for the contract and from that I can make a decision wether I feel I can make money at those rates. Rather than go work for the company and realize that i cant and then try to sue them for minimum wage .Every contractor in construction has things they have to comply with what makes a cable contractor any different. I mean you wouldnt tell a general contractor that you dont want to run the electrical wiring that way he tells you. You having building codes to comply with and that contractor has a time schedule to fulfill  with the customer. So if you show up on the job in dirty clothes  with beer on your breath and you park your oil leaking VW vanagon in the customers new driveway that aint gonna fly. If you want to be an employee then you should go elsewhere and you dont know what position I am in to pass judgement. I do have a clue about this you titbabies are gonna screw this business up so that a worker that hustles dont make anymore money then one who dont. 
This is posting #336193. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Contractor or Employee by add? by cablemn86
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Contractor or Employee by add? drifterdawg 12/5/2011 10:42:19 PM
Re: Contractor or Employee by add? bloop 12/4/2011 4:24:46 AM