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Re: help with connectivity

    Nightlife1970 Im sorry to be the one to tell you this but if your contractor is backcharging you for boxes not calling back 1 week later then he is the only company in the united states doing that. It is not Directv. I just got my latest report card from Directv Im running 70 percent responders right now. But to be sure post the activity numbers of any jobs you connected and I will look them up for you. You are either not doing it right or being ripped off. I know 30 other techs doing exactly as I said. No one is talking about hooking up to a customers hotspot either. that would be stupid. we are talking about bringing your own inetrnet to the job and getting it to respond instantly and then going into your handheld to verify that it called back before you leave the job. Are you telling me you went into the receiver list on your handheld and it said the box called back and your company is telling you it didnt ??? what contractor is this and what area?
This is posting #336154. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: help with connectivity by Nightlife1970
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