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need some advice

I work in house for the local ma and pa system.  I have been in this industry for 10+ years.  Over those years.  I have worked from the ground up from installs, service, maintenence, headend and small plant design.  When Irene hit here.  I busted my ass off to get this plant up and running and getting everything repaired.  Not a big problem.  The problem is, my employer hired on these so called contractors to assist with the repairs.  Lets just say they caused me more headaches than assisting me.  They are throwing equipment in line in places thats not even needed all over the place and stateing they fixed it which is BS.  They are doing continous amount of bandaids which cause me grief a few days later.  They have done things and not even informed me of what they did like its a secret.  Got channels that are continously going off do to not tweaking the dishes and saying they have.  And now the good one.  I have never had a contractor to be over me in anything.  Its either been on equal grounds or not even related at all.  My employer has now put these hacks over me.  I am not allowed to touch anything nor make any plant changes without consulting the contractors first.  This is even after I told my employer that I dont trust these quys.  The guy that in charge is completely errogent and wont even look me in the face like he has something to hide or he is gods gift.  I dont even like the way they set up the return.  To me, I believe they are setting them way to low.

  I dont have any issues with contractors.  Especially good ones.  Majority has always worked with me instead of against me.  When ever they done something, they have always let me know later on for future reference due to shit happens.  Remember, I am the only tech in town.  All the local people got to know who I am and is wondering what is going on.

  Is it time to move on or should I lay it on the line?  That is the question.
This is posting #334943. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: need some advice hatteras 11/2/2011 2:28:07 PM
Re: need some advice Joe50 11/2/2011 10:13:07 AM
Re: need some advice goodsky 11/2/2011 12:11:17 AM