Not sure if I meet the requirement of "arm chair business owner" but the answer is yes I absorb the cost.
That's a part of the business like it or not, all business's will have losses from time to time. If owning a business was all about always making money and never having the risk of taking a loss then everyone would own a company and none of us would have employee's
If you have a huge issue with this than maybe you should take a closer look at your interviewing and hiring practices, because at one point you thought they were good enough to be a part of your company when you gave them the job. So if it turns out they aren't what you thought who's fault is that.
It's always easier to fault the other party when things don't work out. Becomes a little tougher to look inside.
I know sometimes when messages are relayed over long distances like from NY to say Florida it can get confusing so if you do a google search on "the risk of self-employment" or "the risk of being a business owner" you will see that there is a long standing history of company's that take losses for a variety of reasons, and no where will you read that it's a guarantee you won't have to take a loss.
Welcome to the world of business, sometimes you win sometimes you lose.
But hey what do I know and don't be mad at me you asked the question, I just gave an honest answer
Re: mastec
Member #: 17191
Registered: 1996-2001
Donald Crouch
DC Cable and Telecommunications, LLC
The guy below the Janitor
upstate new york
~29 years
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