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Re: It REALLY is true.....

Rob you make some good points, I too have seen the changes in the industry over the last 25 years. Don't know what the next 25 will bring but will like to see it. I don't think this industry will ever get back to the days they use to be, at least not for the people that actually do the physical work. The MSO's are not going to raise their rates, the primes aren't going to cut their take, and the guys in the field get the leftovers.

Anyone who is going to stay in the industry and make any real money, has to know more than just one, two, or three aspects of the industry, knowledge is power.
I know a lot of old dawgs have the knowledge to run from the headend to the TV, but now a days you got to be able to wire up a server farm, along with all the routers, switches, firewalls etc on top building, splicing, activating, troubleshooting, coax, fiber, and copper and all the equipment that makes everything work.

Rough to ave to be able to do all that and live the circus clown life on top.

I myself work for the government now, still doing cable but it's not the same.

There is nothing like being out on a stick in the country at 06:00 on one of the first warm days of spring with miles of 300' foot spans to run. Or driving down the road looking up at plant you hung years ago and saying I built that and it still looks and works good.

But the days of big plant builds are all but gone barring a hurricane or tornado, but then as I said earlier the MSO and Primes are going to do their thing, then you have the scamers and low life's that feed on the guys just trying to make a living. But I digress.

There is still good money to be made in catv but you got to have a wide knowledge base and a bit of luck.

I've said this before, this industry has let me see most of the U.S. and a lot of the world and they pay me for doing something I love.

I may not be doing it in another 25 years but with a little luck I'll last another 15 or so.

Rob if you found something else that lets you feed your family and makes you happy I for one am glad for you.

But you'll always be a cable dawg, anyone that has been in it for 29 years has it in their blood, like creosote in a pole.

Good luck brother, may your spans be long and hooks stay in the wood..
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Posted in reply to: It REALLY is true..... by TheRobMan
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Re: It REALLY is true..... TheRobMan 10/14/2011 7:52:23 PM