The math may be correct, But I know one thing for sure. I can get a baby sitter for 300 a month. Some of these expences sound monthly.
At 2000 a week or 8000 a month and telling me your paying over 800 a month on your phone and aircard is crazy. I pay a simple 45 a month for unlimited service. I don't worry about the internet because you can go just about anywhere and get WiFi.
So We defenately have monthly costs with weekly costs. So your Math has to be wrong. UNLESS you have 8 people working for you and your paying for 8 people's cell phones and air cards.
All you did was eat up your check on monthly bills and claimed them as weekly. Meaning the next 3 weeks your not gonna have those costs.
Best thing is talk with some accountants and you will find what you can claim. If you want an Idea look over a 1040 tax form and that will tell you the sections you need to track. But of course you NEED to talk to an accountant. I just recommend looking at a 1040 schedule C and you will get an IDEA of what the accountant is talking about. Kind of fill in the blanks.
Example can I claim all food costs? while traveling? What CAN I really claim? Don't belive me or anyone else here about what you can or can't. The ultimate issue the Tax code is something I think very few people can really understand. It is worse than scrambling through the yellow pages.
Re: wow i got a 2,000.00 pay check for one week
Member #: 43987
Registered: 1/29/2006
Michael McCrady
Teleco Pro LLC
early 40s
~22 years
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