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Re: Managers And Supes

So many managers boost thier quota to make sure that there is plenty of work. But you should always under quota leaving yourself a few techs in case techs are sick or vehicular problems. Sups shouldnt be running routes, they are there for support, not quota. Most techs should be able to handle 6 installs a day. When a job does fall out, then they can maybe pick up work, or maybe help a fellow tech. But NO Supervisor should be going home UNTIL all his techs are out of the field. THAT IS HIS JOB. And NO tech should go home until everyone is done or on thier last job. How many times have you been out until after 10pm stuck on a job, to find out the next morning that everyone else on your team was home for dinner.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Managers And Supes by Birdman
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Re: Managers And Supes jmiller 8/5/2011 5:55:02 AM