Re: Sub-contractor line tech $$$$$$$
Member #: 3420
Registered: 1996-2001
Big 3
MSo Slave
Most tech's who are rotated on call get time and a half for hours worked, they also get between $150.00 $200.00 week just for stand by, whether they are called out or not. Maintenance tech pay in house anywhere between $25.00 $30.00 per hr. and up. Using my own truck and gas alone would push me in upwards of $55.00 $60.00 per hr. I would also consider seeing if they would pay for some type of maintenance plan on extreme repairs on my vehicle, you know one that you pay a monthly premium and would cover hydraulics, transmission repairs and such, if they won't pay for it, i'd sure check on getting one myself. I'd back my income request in terms of,,, I'm worth $30.00 per hr, additional income is for what they save by not having to pay your,, truck repairs, gas, vacation pay, bonuses, medical insurance, training,vehicle insurance etc... I'm sure there are other costs associated with inhouse but you get the idea. Of course they are going to hit ya with the old,,,, hey man, we're in a recession, we can't afford that, then go to work on them taking over some of your expenditures. Good luck Brother,,,it aint easy convincin a poor cable company that you need to eat too.

This is CABL.com posting #331067. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbyhX
Posted in reply to: Sub-contractor line tech $$$$$$$ by smccatv
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