"I believe the unanswered question is:
What do you believe and exactly what brought you to that belief?"
Can't you fucking read, Rob? Dumbass...
"For dumbass questions like "why do you believe what you believe" doesn't deserve a response, let-alone an "answer". I mean seriously, what the fuck kind of question is that? You RNT are seriously fucked in the head"
...which if you could understand written words rather thasn be led, you'd know is the root of the question. And even if it weren't, and it is, I would respond the SAME FUCKING WAY. A fucked up question doesn't deserve a response let-alone an answer. Besides, according to your scripture, according to who claims Jesus said your quote, Jesus has already confessed me before His Father in heaven. Since I never said I denied Jesus, much to your dismay you fuck tard trying to pull a Gary Vest...
Re: June 4, 2011
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