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Re: insurance question

Been MD,

A cable co wanted a workman's comp cert. So I went to the MD Workman's Insurance fund. They opened an account for me. Then they started sending forms to list employees. When I said NONE.,...JUST ME ....they sent a bill for an estimated first year premium on ME, who was not covered for anything.

I did the wrong thing. I just started throwing away their letters and forms. And I stopped writing checks. They insisted I was getting some benefit from this crap and wanted to be paid. I did not got to court. They entered a default judgment and started sniffing around my employers for cash to grab.

All this is part of the fiction that everyone is an independent contractor and the big guys therefore have no responsibilities for work place safety etc...because they have no employees.

But they attempt to treat their independent contractors like employees and or slaves.

Insist on an insurance certificate showing you as a loss payee in the event of an injury or demand your money back. And yes, they could fire you. So plan for that but do what you can to grind them.

Good luck,

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