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Re: Hhhhhhmmmmmmm

I see your point John, but I still have to respectfully disagree with your statements. First there is much "religious mania" cannot explain. In our carnal state there are many questions unanswered because we just don't have the ability to comprehend the unknown, Things happen that we just don't understand, that's where faith or a belief has to take over. As far as the blame game, yes we all do it, but it's wrong. We are tested by both sides all our lives, and sense we are blessed (or cursed, depends on how you look at it) with free will we do have the power to weigh our decisions and to chose a path in life. It is our choice and any blame (if any) is ours.
   As far as praying for satan, his fate is sealed, and to pray for him would be asking God to lie.
I can explain that further if need be. Here's a hint. Imagine a place where there is no time, what will happen, has happened. Try and wrap your carnal mind around that if you can.  Have a good day.

  P.S. You are more than welcome to show your scientific evidence on evolution if you wish. We can talk about D.N.A. Mathametical possibillities, and the reliability of carbon dating. But only if you want. I even have questions about reincarnation if your willing to answer. Just trying to learn, no disrespect intended.
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Hhhhhhmmmmmmm by johnmc3
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Hhhhhhmmmmmmm johnmc3 4/27/2011 8:58:41 PM
Re: Hhhhhhmmmmmmm jmiller 4/27/2011 6:30:00 PM