Gotta love the thumpers that don't have to prove a thing but are always requiring proof from others. Oh sure, it CAN be proven but yet with y'all it never is Gary. Even when you TRY to prove something and I use the SAME "proof" against your claims, you ignore it and continue on. You thumpers have double standards where it is OK for you, but not anyone else. Be honest with yourselves for once Gary, goodsky and the rest. All anyone here has asked is that y'all keep an open mind but you insult with your retorts. And you of all people are the KING of vulgarity. My ears were subjected to the shit when you were constantly making (idle) threats. Now be honest, had you REALLY found AND accepted Christ, you would have apologized to me by kissing my ass begging for forgiveness from your past transgressions. You would have done the same to the others you ranted and raved at as well but since you are Gary Vest it does not apply to you. But by God it better not be anyone else that does the same as they will surely burn in Hell.
Now, last time, one DOES NOT need to be "born again" to see the kingdom of God. God IS NOT vengeful and filled with jealousy, righteous or otherwise.
Enjoy your mens conference. I was at a retreat last weekend myself. Sure as hell hope you learn something about yourself and God while you are there. There is more to faith than your desire for "proof". I will continue praying for you as I have since before you "found" Christ. At least you have taken the first step and admitted you are "just a stuuuuuuuuupid Bible thumper ". Or am I "twisting" your words...AGAIN?