This is pointless, as all you want to do is lash out in rage attempting to slander instead of having any kind of an intelligent discussion on the topic that started this whole thing, and that is the fact you disagree with the scripture I shared, John 3:3 that says a man must be born again to see the kingdom of heaven. You just go on and on and on and on with gibberish that doesn't back up what you say or why you say it.
I share scripture, which I firmly believe to be the divine inspired word of God. I didn't write it. You disagree, then start your bashing of the Bible, which you still have not backed up with why and what information you have to substantiate it being false, in error, contradictory, or anything for that matter. Instead you attack me with a bunch of nonsense. I have tried to discuss this topic with you, as have others, but you refuse to even attempt to do that, you just want to attack people with your vulgar rants. I have had people come to me, who have read these posts and know you, and tell me I am wasting my time, there is no getting through to you, along with quite a bit of other things that I will not share here. I told you I was open to anything you had to share that would point me to the fact that what you are saying is true and that I am misled and following a false doctrine by believing what the Bible says, but since you refuse to do that and haven't done that, I will stick to what I have come to believe. I think it is time to move on, don't you, Mark?