So, my boss calls me...Seems the contract auditor/sales/installer type fucker, that doesn't even have a meter, only has a twenty four foot ladder..Can't reach a tap and had made a sale and couldn't do it because his ladder wouldn't reach said tap... My Boss asked (as I heard laughter in the background ) if I could go over to the third system out and help him out.?" To which I replied," The first day I met this fat assed duck shoe wearing pear shaped out of shape hack, he told me that he was 54 and still climbing...(I knew that was a fuckin' lie the second it came out of his mouth) so I told my boss that if he can't climb up to that tap, I will drive a combined total of three hours window time, throw a drop up for this bitch in about fifteen minutes and then charge his fat stupid ass $15.00 for doing his work because we sure as fuck aren't going to pay him for not doing his simple fuckin' job. Sometimes I think my boss (since we've known each other forever) just calls me with this shit to hear me go off on the phone. Well him being the head bean counter at the present time, he understood my logic...Since all of my time would have been OT. FUCKIN' INSTALLERS!!!!!!!!!