Re: Pecking order
Member #: 56678
Registered: 1/14/2008
Michael Scantland
Michael Scantland
Web Design
~23 years
Im for any business that treats its workers good or fair.But how can the Satellite Business do this. Direct Has to have a contract with Mastec, Mutliband to full-fill its customers work orders – Strict clauses are in place, meeting time frames, total ownership of customer contact, Metrics “phone lines” “installs” “Calls in for updates on Tech”Mastec/MultibandTaking that contract with Direct TV, they have inhouse and overflow work for Subpartners, Which have more stiffer clauses in place for the same items mentioned above “NO Brainer” But most Sat techs don’t grasp it.SubpartnerEnter into contracts with little or no contract but costs for lost equipment and CYA stuff. Also the contract is a living document. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a for ever changing contract that is changed at will. Ether do it or NO WORK. Treats it workers with control which led to more Labor suits. “No chargebacks not suits” Worker Bees/ Installer ContractorsEnter into no enforceable drafted contracts bought from Office Depot. Again a living contract which changes based off the controlling company, which is the work orders your installing. Its not a solid business model since your dependent on overflow work and promises from owners who are at the control of the company they contract for. Are allowed to offer your services to customers such as surround sound voice and data and leave business cards.Your not punished for not working or refusing to not do a hard install, you have complete control to “Kick” a job if needed. Lets look at this modelDirect TV Retailer for instance.Direct TvSell and install with the strict more relaxed contract because the retailer creates its work. Charge backs for cancelation within a year the entire sales in some cases. Installer or ContractorWhether it’s the retailer himself or 1099 installer his in a better position than the above model. No QC, No Service call charge back – You take complete ownership. More of a contractor and only have maybe two tiers. Your retailer and Direct TV. support this model and recommend it. Cuts the middle man and chargeback safe in most cases, you really have to support the customer.Cable ModelMSO – TimeWarner/ComcastStrict contracts in place, scope of work, prices, what’s expected and charge backs to Prime gets bulk of work not overflow work overflow goes to MSO workers, more easy hand picked types, mostly because of Work Comp and Risk.PrimesEnter into contracts with independent contractors, trains them, directs them and provides a controlled work force to hand the bulk of the work orders each day. Provides guidance and direction and ad hears polices mandated by MSO. Workers can not operated there own business and offer services, such as cable, phone or data, this would mean competition and lack of control. Prime has committed to complete all work orders given. So a strict controlled work force is in place, though you’re a contractor free to do what ever you place. Test this Im sure everyone wants there weekends right? Request Saturday s or Sunday’s or only come in for a few days to contract. The Prime cant operate like that a certain number of techs have to be there for the work. Id love to hear everyone is not working weekends or Xmas Eve or Thanksgiving day all night. Worker Bees/ContractorsHave contracts with no prices, no mention of chargeback prices with prime, enter an agreement which states they can not offer or solicit any business from its or MSO’s customers, that means your working directly for them not yourself. Your told to work everyday or your downloaded bottom line. Cable has a better model than Satellite but both leave the worker bee without an rights, no long term outlook or legs to stand on when the chargebacks come rolling down hill. Its hard working worker bee who loses. I do not support the Sub partner or the Prime models. Id rather be an employee for the MSO or Direct TV directly. It’s the only long-term solution to have control over your work ethic and paycheck. If your self employed and hold yourself to be that then your directly billing the customer and taking ownership and your in control of your revenue and paycheck. The more you advertise, the word of mouth spreads and not your in business for yourself. Primes and Sub-partners pray in the week techs who don’t have the mental ability to know what’s right. Now you can say that about me. I worked my way up to Supervisor, was always at the forefront of the new products and training almost all the original VOIP techs when it came out. I watched techs lose entire checks from other supervisors laughing at supervisor meetings from guys who got Qc’ed out of the Prime. I kept my ear to the ground and kept everything, I worked for the most ruthless manager to man kind and when I had the chance to jump to another area to start yet another office for the Prime I did. I stood by and watched drug dealers get routes when others stood by because the manager had side deals. I stood by while money from the Prime was being stolen and shifted to techs for kick backs. A all out walkout was happening while the manager was detoxing off roxies. I had enough and left. It’s a Win/Lose guess who loses, the Workerbee. The Prime still invoices the Sub-partner still Invoices for your work, but you’re the one who’s deducted. When every your paycheck is determined by three levels above you for your hard work. That’s asking for trouble and that’s why you see these posts. When you’re an employee of a MSO or Direct TV or Dish you have the option for growth within the company an your talents show. Workbees don’t work long hours, chargebacks and pay deductions every year. This is nothing new. This forum is full of those posts.Three years ago this wouldn’t be happening, it’s the pay cuts more demands from its workers, longer hours and more chargebacks has lead this industry as a whole in the ground. Maybe If the Prime didn’t slam my Job offer they wouldn’t this very persistent person on there tracks. I didn’t spell check my last post because I blog from the heart or beer which every it was. You asked my Beef and I gave the short version.
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