hi john nice to see you hear.Guys like you don't know how to put the money where their mouth is. you so called experienced tech. and having a experience for so many years been always letting go from each company after they found out you can't work worth passing the QC. but i guess you already know about that.You have worked for more companies than a average tech.can remember. So congratulation now you can add one more company in the list of companies you screwed because of yr workman ship.i think they let you go because of poor workmanship and unprofessional work ethics???
guys like you make it so hard for the hard working peoples to earn their money. Every company u ever work for had to realize their mistake and let you go. But i guess that never bothered you why every company got rid of you i'm pretty sure you thinks they are wrong and you are right but after loosing job 100 times i think if i were you i would be thinking it might be me not them who need to work on their work ethics.I don't think any happy tech. would want to hear your crap and answer you thats why you have not have any respond . And keep it up David

opinion makes all the difference. c ya