so, for 3 yrs i worked for a great company, do not want to mention names as they are out of business as far as i know now. approx april 2010 they had some big problems(embazzement i heard) and started handing out bad checks. i was using a check cshing company to cash my paychecks. after years of doing so at the same check cashing place, three of the cable companies checks balanced. i had been in contact with a couple big shots there but now am unable to get any of them although i called last known phone numbers and email addresses. now, the check cashing company is suing me for the almost 2000.00 since the cabl co. is no where to be found. The company i am speacking about had a great rep and never any complaints. i have been in this business for more then 30 yrs and this company was one of the best to work for, always dependable always fair and helpful. they jsut had unforunate situation come up they had no control of but i still feel they should be responisble for the bad paychecks tehy did send me in the end. any advice on what i should do? i am thinking of filing civil suit as there are others besides me in this situation. if we do start a suit agaisnt this company no longer in business where do we begin not even knowing how to contact anyone from there anymore. the only info i have is the last known email, phone to owner, phone to office, office address.
Thanks in advance for any info. and/or advice
advice please
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