The only way your going to get around the insurance thing and possibly get employers to possibly pay to have you train their people is to be a accredited school. That would be the hardest part. Without that you could offer the best training there is but it will not count for anything. On the other hand if you could become a accredited that would allow people to apply for government grants and loans to pay for the training as well as tax brakes for company's paying for their employees to take your training.
Then you would need a facility with enough room to have a pole field, a house mock up, class rooms, office's and all the other things that go along with any business.
It's a great idea and I know a guy who looked into it back in the 90's and the costs were just to much. But if you can swing it good luck to you.
Re: A School for contractors?
Member #: 5567
Registered: 1996-2001
County Gov
Fiber Design, Construction, Maintenance
Washington DC
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