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Re: Dept. of Labor & IRS to investigate...

It really is as you describe it.

 If you look at the history of industrialization you will not find many examples of business owners who realized employees were people. Slavery was a good thing economically unless you were a slave. Labor unions did not spring up because work conditions were acceptable. Wages and working conditions have improved only when management has been forced to clean up its' act. Letting any installation company get away with illegal actions because, "yer eatin ain't ya?" is just allowing the bad guys to win. It pushes the line of acceptable corporate behavior back a few years.

If and when Knight gets dinged and discovers the true costs of doing business someone else will come along OR the service providers will find more money by passing costs on to users.

This is posting #314905. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Dept. of Labor & IRS to investigate... by cablemn86
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Re: Dept. of Labor & IRS to investigate... digitalphonemike 10/5/2010 12:43:50 PM