Re: Dept. of Labor & IRS to investigate...
I just read this entire thread and all I have to say is be careful what you wish for if we all become employee's the primes will be forced to provide all the things they have made us go without, unfortunately that will mean for us lower pay because the Cable Companies aren't going to say "oh well now that you have employee's we need to raise your rates" will not happen too many primes once %50 of them go out of business and you have larger primes and less of them bidding on rates they can say screw you COMCAST, COX, DISH, DIRECTV etc you want the job done then this is the rate if you don't like find someone else! So in the long run it could be good for us but in the short run it'll be a struggle and ask yourself if you had 30% less income than you do now could you make all of your payments? Cause once your an employee most of those nice self employed deductions are gone and you get taxes auto deducted, and with the prime paying for supplies and trucks, gas, that might offset the costs but they'll keep more than they spend on those things they'll have to, to stay in business, and the benefits like insurance, workmans comp, retirement which they will have to provide in alot of states will come right out of your bottom line, cause face it they aren't providing it now and in most cases neither are you and you will still have your truck payment, cell phone bill, internet blah blah blah so be careful what you wish for becuase you'll end up with less stuff wishing you were part of a union or just maybe an independent contractor lol
This is posting #312365. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Dept. of Labor & IRS to investigate... by nccofi
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