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Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum

This is your idea of making job contacts.
All your doing is hurting yourself/profile.
Do you honestly think, any credible employer would even consider hiring you
after reading all the stupid post's you've made,
If anything your blackballing yourself to the whole industry.
Showing your true self,
A babbling idiot,
spewing the same ole line everytime.
Nothing constructive or insightful, just confrontational.

Nice resume your making for yourself there dumb dumb,

Good luck with the job search,
This is posting #312299. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum by annubiss
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum goodsky 9/4/2010 2:32:54 PM
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum sweatforhire 9/3/2010 3:07:06 PM
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum annubiss 9/3/2010 3:04:56 PM