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Re: Distraction?

No let me tell you something.  The muslim law you talk about is one side of islam. There are different sects of muslims.  The ones who do not follow that way of the Koran, are not visible because guys like you want to concentrate on the fanatical terrorist sect and what they do only.  The people you talk about are a sect of the religion not the majority.  If you think I am wrong ask a muslim.  Ask them do they subscribe to all the laws that you mention.

I remind you that even here in America women did not have the right to vote and went thru a thing called womens sufferage.  All these accusations on others but you forget about what your belief possibly has done. 

Your info is based on a limited knowledge of islam and you have no muslims friends.  Thats why you have the view you do and I know you are scared to ask a muslim about the processes of thier faith.  Something, by your post, you havent done and you are so convinced that you are right that you wont do any research to find out if your info is true.  You do not want to ask a muslim because of fear they may tell you that they do not subscribe to any of the things you post.  Now ask a muslim then talk to me about it, I did mine.  I just asked my friends so I am informed about it.  I know you probably see that as support for building the mosque by the 911 site and al-queada.  I just asked a question and mostly all I see are uniformed guys making uninformed accusations because they have never talked or know a muslim.

You cant open your mind so believe what you want.  I asked a question to see if there was any real reason besides emotional to not let them build there.  
This is posting #310975. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Distraction? by sab3r
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