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Re: Distraction?

So they were worried about their safety and not the people? You just said "I do have friends that were offended. Why, because they knew as soon as it was announced thqat muslims did it, they would be considered terrorist because they are of the same faith as the bombers." Your words. So that statement shows no concern for anyone else but them.

If you knew anything about it you wouldn't be behind it but let me fill you in anyway. They are the most intolerant of religions, openly killing homosexuals, and wives who commit adultery, commuting heinous acts such as "circumcizing" young girls to ensure they never know the pleasure of being a wife and that part is only pure duty to them.

So why does the most intolerant of religions demand our tolerance of them?

Men don't have much to fear if sharia law comes into effect as they are pushing, but as a female, Women have EVERYTHING to fear. Think about your mother, sister, aunts, cousins, etc. Each of us would be forced into a life we never asked for, nor deserved.

Just look at what has happened in England for an example of what happens to people who accept Muslims and their culture. Look what Sharia law has done to the countries that allowed it to be instituted.

It isn't propaganda if it's true. Read the Quran lately? It has lots of nice little sayings about lying and deceiving the infidels. All Muslims read the Quran. So if it says to lie to can you believe them?

Al Quaeda isn't the only Muslim faction trying to kill us. When a whole country carries signs that say "death to America" and burns our flags........muslim countries......then I am concerned. Be fooled if you want...........I am being preemptive not presumptuous. See how many help American when they start to take over. They are doing it in England and France. I look at other parts of the world. It is spreading. You are right about one thing......they are the largest religion and if only 1 percent of them are out to kill us, that means 10 million. Well I just wonder if some of that 10 million is living here. And if the other 990 million will do a damn thing to help us? NO. they won't.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Distraction? by annubiss
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Re: Distraction? annubiss 8/21/2010 7:05:20 PM