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Re: Distraction?

Annubiss i have to disagree with that as a Fellow New Yorker one that was living in NY when the towers was attacked both times, One that saw the second plane hit the second tower, One who lost people in the towers and one who's children including myself was scard to death when this was happening and the fear turned to outrage and total Rage when i see them on TV and people in NYC other Muslims cheering and saying we got what we deserve, They had no tack then and they don't have it now. So let me understand this they want to build a Mosque near ground Zero a building so high they can have meetings on the roof top or the top floor and Gloat about what they did to us, Let me understand this they want to rub it in our faces a lot more then what they have already did ?? Now they don't even have the money to build this thing they have $18,255 now the price tag is $100 million where will they get the funds ? Now this Emon is going on a trip over seas and what do we say if he just happens to come up with $100 million ? should we ask where did it come from ? Or should it matter that he maybe getting the funding from the same people the funding the attacks on the towers ?? If the really want to bridge this so called gap there talking about then the would start with sending money to all the orphans the created with this and then fund the rebuilding of the towers and maybe we can talk and that is a maybe. A person can kill my family and then think they will move in next door to me and think nothing will happen ?? well let them build it the when they are having prayer when the building if full let send a plane into the building and if there is about 3000 people in there then we have started to build the bridge.
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