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Re: Distraction?

You are missing the whole point. It has to do with a heinous attack on America. It has to do with the fundamentals of what the Quran says. It has to do with respect and sensitivity. It has to do with the slap in the face and this post is just another distraction from what most Americans feel about it. What does it have to do with that? He is backing that and forgetting about what is prudent and not always correct because it is a right. By their own admission they want to change the country to an Islamic state. completely. If you think they are interested in freedom of religion then ask the man that was going to be put to death for wanting to be Christian until world outcry got him off and he had to be secretly taken out of that country. And why isn't the Greek orthodox church that was destroyed by the buildings falling being allowed to rebuild? It is a church as well. Yes they have a right to build........but that doesn't make it right. Think they want a synagogue built next to it? Think they would protest that? I do.

And many people do believe Obama is a Muslim because of his own words and actions. This administration is doing nothing to help the economy but trying to grow government so it will rule us and not govern us. It was never suppose to be for providing for the citizens. That is socialism. It takes away the spirit of the American worker to make something more of themselves. The stimulus went to union companies government jobs. Unemployment is 9.5 percent and up to 10.5 in at least 1 state. Obama PROMISED it wouldn't go above 8 and that the stimulus, not the one Bush put in, that he and Pelosi and Reid decided we needed so badly would make that happen. If you are missing all the taxes these people are adding on top of allowing the Bush tax cuts to end then it isn't any wonder why you think Obama is such a great guy. Personally, he is the worst thing this country has ever seen.
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