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Re: Who came up with Facts?? Not anniebell

Why do you keep going to the past? It has nothing to do with how we should be treating each other today and no relevance on the discussion. I have experienced racism many times for your information without going to another country. But you know what? I treat people with respect and usually get them to accept me in person.

As far as Obama spending all our money and you hearing it............are you with us? Are you looking at more things than just cbs or cnn? Because he has spent all our money and money we don't have. I discredit the man's policies and I wonder about you knowledge of economics and politics because all I see are opinions from you. Has nothing whatsoever to do with his race. He and the white people in this administration are telling you and me lies and trying to get socialism in little by little. They know if you put a frog in boiling water it will jump right out, but if you put it in cold water and start heating it slowly it will be too late for it to jump out when the water boils.

Sore losers has nothing to do with this and that is a liberal talking point just as blaming Bush for Obama's spending more money than all the presidents in history is. Open your eyes and start looking around.
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