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Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama

Sabre you are using a the death tax as an example of pres Obama raising taxes. So when bush was in you had no complaint about taxes. That why they say the only two things a definate are death and taxes ; I know you have heard that one. lol.  Death taxes have always needed to be changed but Obama did not create the death tax it was there before he got in; I think thats why they have trust dunds and all the other loopholes that me yourself might not know about..  As far as your uncle (rest his soul), he needed a better accountant. The one he had did not have a republican   Millionares get and pay people to know the tax loop holes or they dont use them.  The small group you are refering to is the bilderburg group who is that small minority of people that finance the Federal resevre, world bank and other banks like it, not people like your uncle.  Again I reccomend the dvd "End Game" to you.  Check it and then lets revisit this issue.
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Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama sab3r 7/26/2010 4:02:58 PM