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Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama

Hey sabre the economy has been going down way before Pres Obama.  Outsourcing has been a big problem before this admin.  I believe that Obama has been left to clean up the mess the two bush's made.  What can the man do if he has to spend money to correct what they did and then he is vilified. 

From my perspective ALL the presidents spend tax money to make the nation stronger and have jobs for U.S. citizens to make a living and feed thier family. Thats why we elect a pres, we "believe" thier policies will make it better.  Rep complain now because they are not able to "dip thier beak in the well" (the Godfather). I do not mind a pres that is changing our economy from an oil based economy to an alternative economy.

It's like We Americans are beating a dead horse. The rich get richer and when thier fat bank accounts wont get as big because the common man is being helped they cry "oh I am going to have to pay taxes fairly like everyone else, oh woe is me. Meanwhile they wont wont make 60 million but 30 million. It trips me out that some rep support policies that they are not rich enough to quailify for and allow companies like comcast to make all the money not pay us fairly then are allowed to get massive tax breaks.  Does any of the tax break rep support helps a person making under million dollars?  If you are a millionare then I can see why you would want them to be in power; if you arent then how does these policies help us guys?  Can you explain that to me to open my eyes to all the good they are going to do me. Please come harder than the age old adage that people on welfare are draining the system point, thats why Obama is running the country into the ground. I would like to know how they will help you and me if we had of voted mccain. With his policies I seriously doubt that "outsourcing" would be stopped, welfare scams would end and he would not raise taxes on us and cut taxes for big companies?

Pres Obama is not the first and not the last to spend gov money.  This is a never ending battle about who wants what spent where, there will always be compliants.  The only time that I made money was during the clinton era, beyond that its been Ok.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama by sab3r
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Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama sab3r 7/26/2010 12:32:05 PM