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Re: Wtf!

don't you know that the almighty great O wants to turn this country into one race the OBAMAINESE
and he is building up stockades around the country for the non compliant
So ALL HEEL FOR THE GREAT CHIEF if not the next shinny things you see will be gun's & jack boots

The War, what a great ploy, send all the real fighting men overseas, so the government can take over this country and there is only a hand full of men here that will fight & resist and the remainder of the patrons are stuck overseas with no transportation back, Terrorist attack at its best
This is posting #306219. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Wtf! by WeeWah
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Wtf! dishdude2k 6/25/2010 12:34:39 PM
Re: Wtf! sab3r 6/25/2010 4:40:55 AM
Re: Wtf! sweatforhire 6/24/2010 9:52:29 PM