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Re: BP Experimenting at oil leak site for deeper w

Extremely well put. But Obama's support for exploration was really just a head fake. And this spill need not have happened but for the dems and environmentalist efforts to stop drilling areas with easier access and better containment possibilities. They wouldn't have been so far out to sea but for this. There is oil all over the U.S. and Alaska.

Also Obama's moratorium on new exploration, not just the industry will suffer. 48 percent of oil has been shut down effectively hurting more than it is helping. Shutting down oil in the U.S. is just going to cost the Americans more in every way. Oil prices go up. Gas goes up. And opens the door to what the left wanted anyway and that is taxing more. Cap and trade. Now there is legislation being written on communications with a higher tax on electronics. I posted before about how they were going to find more taxes to hit us with. Those are just 2. I have also said it was suspicious that a state of the art rig blew up in the first place in just a place that would be so difficult to find a solution to fix. "never waste a crisis........" as Rahm says. 

We need alternative energy sources. We shouldn't be taxed to death to get it either. But we have oil and can get at it. We would have it now but for the left blocking all efforts for the last decade. So let's use what we can until we can develop other clean energy and faze oil out.
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