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Re: Hmmm........

You dont know it, But you just gave our government the biggest pat on tha back.  It's like your kids, when they feel the lights just work because they're supposed to. Or the water is hot, just because. Or the house just pays for itself...

You can't name ONE financial crisis where our government did not act. Recessions do not just work themselves out.  Every President has taken action when faced with economic down turns.  I guess they've done it so much and so well, you, now, some how feel recessions fix themselves.  I challenge you to name ONE finacial crisis that fixed itself, with no government intervention.

All the goverment did in this situation is create demand when the free market couldn't.  The government became the consumer to stabalize things so confidence would return more quickly. But the government's role was vital, and it came at a hefty price.  Once things get better, the debt will be tackled.
This is posting #303087. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Hmmm........ by sab3r
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Hmmm........ sab3r 5/17/2010 2:55:05 AM
Re: Hmmm........ superlinedog 5/17/2010 12:29:09 AM
Re: Hmmm........ LocoDawg 5/16/2010 11:51:10 PM