Re: Indiana lotto project
Member #: 52669
Registered: 5/24/2007
Independent Contractor
VSat installer
New Castle, Pa.
~28 years
this isn't spacenet work. they are just using spacenet equipment. nothing is included they are still paying for block, ground wire, fittings, conduit, wire molding, wall plates and etc. the only thing they are getting is rg11 and the mounts. wait until they find out it's a buck per fitting for rg11. i can't wait til sgi qc's this sites all these hacks are going to fail and bad. spacenet requires to much from their installers to drop the price one failed qc's you are going back. have fun in Indiana hacks because i assure you you will never see another project. for that price do one dtv it will take you have the time. and if spacenet gets wind of guys installing without a certification that contractor is up the creek without a paddle. and wait to see the screw ups that aren't carrying 2 mil in insurance drill thru a rubber roof or something. this is going to be funny. i wish i was one of the qc guys.
This is posting #301662. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Indiana lotto project by JerseyCableGuy
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