"Put away the party glasses us vs. them for a minute."
That is what you said to my "both sides.........."
I asked you to look at it without "sides" and you said that was arguing with you that it wasn't both sides. Are you now denying that you wrote it? Did some evil liberalz hack your computer to make you look bad, as you have been accusing? You sure do carry a lot of water for Republicans for not being one. At least I'm fair and balanced and admit that I favor Dems over 100% teabag repubes. You can't make up your mind what you are. You're like a gay dude who goes around talking about his girlfriends all the time when everyone knows he's gay. You're not a Repubican, not a T-bagger. Riiight. Come out of the closet dude, stand up to the shame. When you lie to yourself it's a cancer that takes you over and ruins your life. Probably too late already, but something to think about. And thanks for the warning about the SOCIALIZZMS. I'll be watching out for that commie Obama in case he tries to take my money to buy a bunch of books and redistribute all that knowledge with those socialism "library" thingermajiggers.