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Re: Only 58% think Obama born in USA in poll

Did you read the post? Where did I say that?  Cute little emotioncon. hehe. The problem on this site is that people read into the words what they want to see and not necessarily the tone of what the poster was trying to get across.

Do you know republicans who won't admit Obama is president? I don't know any.

One discusses Obama's budget spending as it is. Too much. Spending that is. Pushing for the people in the US to come up with more money to pay for health care when they may be at their budget limit, while the economy and jobs are bad, is just taking advantage of having to power to do it. No thought to the people who won't be able to afford it that actually have a job and make decent money but not enough to get health care. Unless they get rid of the home they have made for a smaller one so they can pay for what was forced on them. Or drop some other item in their lives to pay for something this gov forced them to buy. What's next? VAT? Cap and Trade. More gas tax. Yes I know there is a hold on that right now. For how long? More taxes. somewhere is how the dems do it. Until everything we do is taxed more and more and we can afford to work and go home and not much else. It leads to, yes I am going to say it, socialism. People that don't believe are not looking at all the dots that have been connected.
This is posting #301191. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Only 58% think Obama born in USA in poll by Toaster
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Re: Only 58% think Obama born in USA in poll Toaster 4/27/2010 5:39:36 PM