o kay,,,There you go.... A little more detail always helps, when trying to get your point across. I am with you 100% on a sober work force, and taking pride in what you do. When you show up for work ,, you better be ready to work, if your going to work for me. I do,,whiz quiz , and background, and what ever else the customer wants, too. I don't build crap, never have and never will, and yes,, I do consider myself and my people "Professionals".
Now,, with that said. Your post that I was replying to, sounded like you wanted to put a bullet in everybody that had a beer in their hand and a joint in their mouth. There's a time and a place for everything , is my theory. What ever a person does on their own time,, is nobodys "Phuching" business, but,, theirs. Your on the right track. Happy Trails!!!!
Re: Re 420
Member #: 21332
Registered: 2/9/2003
Big D
Self employed
Rocky Mountains
~48 years
This is CABL.com posting #299531. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbp5j
Posted in reply to: Re: Re 420 by perseaus
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