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Re: Hmmm........

Never said banks were blameless, far from it. But that does not change the fact that every time congress sticks its nose into things, we the taxpayer ends up footing the bill for it. And all congress has done is made the day of reckoning a little farther off in the future, they did not eliminate it and now it will be far more expensive when it arrives. And when it does come, and it will come, they will have no way of solving it.

The "recovering" economy is a farse. Most of the growth in the GDP recently is from government spending, not true growth. And all of the spending was with borrowed money that will have to be repaid with interest. The feds gave themselves a sub prime mortgage that every man woman and child in the country is a co signer. When are people in DC going to figure out that the credit card needs to go into the shredder. And it gets worse as the country goes forward. Bush spent like an idiot and Obama is going even further. The politicians are going to be the death of this entire country and why anyone would defend a one of them truly puzzles me.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Hmmm........ by Trey9007
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Re: Hmmm........ Trey9007 4/10/2010 6:40:47 PM