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Re: Hmmm........

The federal government should be as small and as limited as possible and the states should be doing the bulk of the governing. The feds are supposed to be big picture not micro managing like they are doing now.

The banks should have been closed, not saved. Congress needs to learn its place because it directly passed a law that allowed it to happen. And both sides are to blame for it, not just dems but ALL of them. How mant times do the American citizen have to take the bad with the bad? Congress keeps sticking its nose into things that they have little knowledge of how it works, try to skirt the edges of the Constitution and end up putting out laws with so many unintended consequences it is not funny. And we the people are responsible to pay to clean it up. We as employers have the right to demand performance, if we tried to run our businesses as these clowns do what would happen? And who has to pay for it? These clowns constantly screw things up, we pay for it and nothing happens to the genius who caused it. The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

What do I want, a small, fiscally responsible HONEST government that answers to all of its citizens and one that does not crave control over my every decision because I am too stupid to make any myself. It is not much to ask for and it is what the Constitution in detail demands. And I dont care what party they come from, republican, democrat, martian means nothing to me.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Hmmm........ by Trey9007
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Re: Hmmm........ Trey9007 4/8/2010 11:52:47 PM