As someone who is pretty familiar with the AT&T matter, I can tell you that no lay-offs are happening because of this bill. For about the last 10yrs or so, Legacy AT&T has had 2 lay-offs a year. They use the Vouluntary Termination Pay provison in the contract. 2 times a year they offer people the option to retire early with some extra cash. If enough people take the package, fine. If not, the lay-off.
Since the new AT&T came about, they have adopted Legacy AT&T workforce reduction policy. For example, if you were to gothe CWA Communication & Technolgy website, you can look in the archives and see all the past adn current notices AT&T gives the union when they want to use VTP.
The money these companies are "losing" are the savings they get through tax subsidies. It is not due to increased premiums.