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Re: Kill the Bill

You mean the credit card the dems started when they made social security and medicade? Oh sure it was funded and now they borrow from it whenever it suits them. so do the republicans. But you really believe in the left. You are so enamored by them it is scary. Really. And when all the things, some have said, come true you will probably deny it.
Everyone can get care when they need it. Projections are already that the health care is going to cost more than it does now. But you don't care do you? Because the 'facts' won't be facts to you. The only facts are the ones that the dems say are going to happen. The gov has failed every thing it has started. You cannot give me one good reason to trust that they are going to lower the deficit, provide cheaper health care and keep the quality of care we now have and not tax us more. At least the gop did one thing good. Let people get care that needed it at the hospital. Under this plan, people will still die, they will still not get to see the doctor in a timely fashion, doctors are already quitting and more lined up if this passes because their insurance is too much to let the government tell them how much they are going to make. Or how little to be more precise. And you go ahead and think it won't be gov run because Obama says it won't but how can it not be? They are controlling every aspect of it including taking my freedom of choice away.
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