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Re: Independant Contractor? Read This

I have to agree with that. I think that is where the whole problem sits. The MSO uses the prime to manage the whole business. However they don't want to pay for it. So they cut it down to what would be normally paid to the individual contractor and let you guy's fight over the bone's. Meanwhile they can now offer free installs, service for 29 bucks a month for a year and all kinds of other fancy gimmicks because they know installation is cheap.

Would take some legislation but there should be a law in place that in order to do low voltage work in a county a tech has to be certified in that county and licensed to do the work. Kind of like an electrician. A few more houses get burned down and there will be the case for that sort of program. Too many fly by night traveling carny's in this business.

If the MSO wants to have a prime to do all the business management that is great, but there should be line items for that as well.
I just think it is a sad situation. You had said techs should support the prime and I do agree, but only after the prime supports there techs.

Instead of fighting each other go after the real problem. Together you could all make a difference. This business is in sad shape and the way things are going its only going to get worse. I think legislation is going to be the only way it will get better.

Hope my opinions don't bother anybody as I am just me and sometimes I stick my nose where it don't belong. I just hope for all of our sakes it gets resolved and back to where it should be.
This is posting #295820. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Independant Contractor? Read This by bartscott
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Re: Independant Contractor? Read This ronjrcosten 3/16/2010 6:19:20 AM