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Re: Senator Byrd

The fact that the rules are written by those who are covered by them. It is a akin to a drug addict writing the laws covering the FDA and DEA. They are the ones who are most affected by them why don't we go get Joe Crackhead and Tom Dopeslinger and form a blue ribbon panel to rewrite the rules for those 2 agencies.

The very people who are running DC right now have only one persons interest at heart, their own. They no longer represent the people, they are more worried about their own skin and keeping their cushy job.

Can you explain to me how someone making 170k a year plus all of their outside income can relate to the vast majority of Americans plight. Why is congress so highly paid when the average American who PAYS their salary makes 40k. Why is congresses own healthcare so much more expansive than what they propose giving to the masses. It is a joke. They make 170K and have all of the expenses of governing covered includng DC housing but yet pay no copay for their healthcare like the overwhelming number of Americans do.

I don't trust them all, at all levels of government. They as a whole have not EARNED my trust, respect or my money. Today it is the republicans stalling, when the rep's where in power it was the dems. Same damn people, they actually need each other to survice long term because they need someon e to gripe about. With out one there is neither.
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