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Re: Senator Byrd

Well that is what they are suppose to do. vote on it. But they don't think they have the votes so they are trying to side step it. The worry here is that if they are willing to do this with something a few people want...........and most people want in the spirit of it. Reform. But reform that shows all of the bill before it passes. Most of these people don't even know everything in it and they are willing to pass it. What if you bought a car that looked really good from the outside. They started the engine and it sounded good but when you took ownership the thing had wobbly wheels that weren't as straight as they looked when you bought it. Or the company changed the wheels so it didn't drive as good as it did when you test drove it. Now things were hidden from you. And you would not like that. And don't get me wrong, they all do it. But that sure doesn't make it right. Well that is what we have here. A bill that we don't know everything about. And now they want to pass a resolution or law or whatever you want to call it that says they will draft a bill and only give the public 72 hours to see it before voting on it. Why the rush? Are they afraid? If so then it isn't right.

And no the article doesn't but other sources do. Why do you know they won't? I am just curious. It isn't as though they have been completely forthcoming with closed door meetings and bribes and all. But here is implication for you. Will they do it? I won't put anything past any politician to get their way.

House Democrats appear set to pass Senate bill without voting on it
By Jon Ward 03/12/10 at 1:24 PM
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks with fellow lawmakers outside the West Wing of the White House after meeting with President Barack Obama in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2010. Left to right are House Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., House Education and Labor Chairman Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., Pelosi, House Rules Committee Chairman Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., and House Energy and Commerce Chairman Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Republicans now expect Democrats to pass health care through the House with a trick only Capitol Hill could dream up: approving the Senate bill without voting on it.

Democrats will vote on a separate bill that includes language stating that the original Senate bill is “deemed passed.”

So by voting for the first bill — a reconciliation measure to fix certain things in the Senate bill — that will automatically pass the second bill — the original Senate bill — without a separate roll call taking place.

It’s called the “Slaughter Solution” (prepare for a weekend of endless TV gabbing about it).

And after debating House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on the chamber floor, Minority Whip Eric Cantor emerged convinced that Democrats are going to use the tactic, and that they won’t allow Republicans, and the public, to see the text of any legislation for 72 hours before a vote.

“I can infer that we’re going to see a rule that will deem the Senate bill as having passed, and at the same time not even have 72 hours to even look at what they are passing,” Cantor, a Virginia Republican, said in an interview outside his office at the Capitol.

“The outrage to me on the part of the public is going to be focused on the fact that there is not even an up or down vote, a clean up or down vote,” Cantor said.

Here’s the reason Democrats are using such a complicated procedure: many in the House completely do not trust the Senate to pass fixes to the bill passed by the Senate in December. But according to the rules of reconciliation, the House must go first in passing the Senate bill and passing a reconciliation fix.

So House Democrats have been searching for a way to alleviate members’ concerns that if they vote for the Senate bill and the Senate does nothing to fix it, they will be hung out to dry as having supported a piece of legislation that many across the country dislike, either for spending reasons, or because of special provisions like the extra money for Nebraska’s Medicaid population (the “Cornhusker kickback”).

Technically, using the “Slaughter solution,” they’ll never have voted for the bill they find odious, even if their vote on the reconciliation legislation will have been the vote that passed the Senate bill into law.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, alluded to all this at her weekly press conference Friday.

“There are certain assurances that they want and that we will get for them before I ask them to take a vote,” Pelosi said.

The “Slaughter solution” is named for House Rules Committee Chairman Louise Slaughter, the New York Democrat who came up with the idea. She told the Daily Caller on Thursday that the chances of her procedure being used were “pretty good.”

Despite doubt among some on Capitol Hill on whether the “Slaughter solution” was feasible, Cantor expressed no doubt that the tactic could be used.

“It’s a self-executing rule. It is akin to passage but hidden in a rule as a side-note, passing the 2,700-page, $1 trillion bill, oh by the way,” he said.

Hoyer rejected the idea that Republicans have not had enough time to review the legislation.

“You have had months to review the substance of that bill. You don’t like it. We understand. You’re going to oppose it. We understand that as well. The fact of the matter is you cannot say you have had no notice of each and every provision for over two months,” said Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat.

Cantor said he wanted 72 hours to review the final text of the reconciliation bill.

“The reconciliation bill is new text. He claims it’s old hat, but this is clearly where they’re reconciling differences,” Cantor said, expressing concern that Democrats would rush the final text to the House floor for a vote to keep “sweeteners” used to buy off votes from being discovered.

Democrats are coalescing around a schedule for the bill’s route to the House floor for a vote. They are expecting a final score from the Congressional Budget Office later today.

On Monday, the House Budget Committee will mark the bill up, leading to an expected vote in the Rules Committee on Wednesday, with a final vote by the full House possible next weekend.

The question remains, however, whether Pelosi will even be able to round up enough votes to pass a bill.

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Re: Senator Byrd Trey9007 3/13/2010 10:33:30 AM